Month: April 2024

iMessage icon, showing 1 unread message

Will RCS support make iMessage interoperable?

You have to analyse every Apple announcement through the lens of how it plans to maintain its market power and attack regulation. So, will Apple’s promised Rich Communication Services (RCS) support make iMessage fully interoperable at least with Google’s Messages? What would the most grudging compliance with Chinese 5G regulations look like?

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Image of chip on a circuit board, with a yellow padlock glowing in the centre

32 European police forces attack encryption (again)

Over 30 European police forces have (yet again) attacked the increasing deployment of end-to-end encryption. This is how powerful policy stakeholders (like law enforcement and big business) often win arguments. They never, ever give up, repeating the same arguments ad nauseam — over decades if necessary — regardless of any evidence which emerges.

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Woman looks through a glass lens at various graphics projected between her and the viewer

More on French and Belgian GDPR guidance on AI training

As well as the Belgian Data Protection Authority decision I criticised earlier this week, it appears the French DPA has issued similar guidance on the use of personal data to train AI models. My detailed analysis below shows that, in relation to purpose-specific AI systems, it makes no sense: the training of the system cannot be separated from the ultimate purpose of the system. This has a major bearing on the issue of compatibility.

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Diagram showing the multiple steps needed to install an Epic Games App on Android, outside Google’s Play Store

My evidence to the European Parliament on the DMA’s third-party app/app store provisions

This morning, I’ve been giving evidence to the European Parliament’s Internal Market and Consumer Protection Committee on the Digital Markets Act (which the committee led on). Alongside Epic Games, we discussed the provisions requiring “gatekeeper” tech firms (currently, Apple, Google and Microsoft) to enable users to install apps from outside the gatekeeper’s own app stores.

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