Category: Panel

S. Dustdar speaking in front of a European Parliament banner, alongside Francesca Bria

Towards European Digital Independence

Congratulations to Alexandra Geese, Francesca Bria and Cristina Caffarra for organising a timely and interesting conference at the European Parliament on the idea of a “Euro-stack” (building on existing “stacks”/digital public infrastructure created by India and Brazil). You can watch the whole 5-hour event; I made a few notes (below) as I watched the middle half.

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Panel discussion at CPDP

Technology, Power and the Pandemic

Thanks to Tilburg’s Global Data Justice project for the invitation to speak on their CPDP panel this week to launch their excellent new report, Digital disruption or crisis capitalism? I used the case of England’s contact-tracing app to further illuminate some elements of the report, based on a book chapter of mine which should be published this autumn.

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