Category: Digitisation

S. Dustdar speaking in front of a European Parliament banner, alongside Francesca Bria

Towards European Digital Independence

Congratulations to Alexandra Geese, Francesca Bria and Cristina Caffarra for organising a timely and interesting conference at the European Parliament on the idea of a “Euro-stack” (building on existing “stacks”/digital public infrastructure created by India and Brazil). You can watch the whole 5-hour event; I made a few notes (below) as I watched the middle half.

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Mario Draghi speaks at a lecturn at the European Parliament, with a slide “20th Anniversary of the Euro"

Super Mario publishes EU “competitiveness” report

Part A of Mario Draghi’s report for the EU on “competitiveness” reform was published this morning. In one sentence, he concludes: “Europe must profoundly refocus its collective efforts on closing the innovation gap with the US and China, especially in advanced technologies.”

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Blair’s scattergun plan to rebuild the British state

Whatever the wisdom of individual policy proposals in this new Tony Blair/William Hague-helmed report, its greatest failing to me is that it proposes redesigning the entire British state on a greater scale than the once-in-two-centuries civil service reforms of the 19th century which still largely prevail. In a rather scattergun manner…

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